Biotechnology Advances

Journal Abbreviation: BIOTECHNOL ADV
Journal ISSN: 0734-9750

About Biotechnology Advances

    In this review journal, biotechnology is viewed in a comprehensive context: a multidisciplinary field in which biological systems are developed and/or used for the provision of commercial goods or services. Biotechnology Advances is devoted to all areas of biotechnology including relevant aspects of its disciplinary underpinnings in biology, chemistry and engineering. The primary purpose is to provide regular, rapid but authoritative reviews of important advances in this field for students, researchers, managers and others in industry, government and academia. A timely series of research review papers, patent critiques and summaries of special government reports on the principles and practices of biotechnology are covered.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 12.1 0 24510
2022 16.0 - 26077
2021 17.681 - 26619
2020 14.227 122 23792
2019 10.744 110 19320
2018 12.831 141 18021
2017 11.452 70 15722
2016 10.597 90 14128
2015 9.848 127 12195
2014 9.015 111 10390
2013 8.905 139 8184
2012 9.599 133 6699
2011 9.646 88 5293
2010 7.600 79 3874