Chelonian Conservation and Biology

Journal Abbreviation: CHELONIAN CONSERV BI
Journal ISSN: 1071-8443

About Chelonian Conservation and Biology

    Chelonian Conservation and Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific international journal of turtle and tortoise research. Its objective is to share any aspects of research on turtles and tortoises. Of special interest are articles dealing with conservation biology, systematic relationships, chelonian diversity, geographic distribution, natural history, ecology, reproduction, morphology and natural variation, population status, husbandry, community conservation initiatives, and human exploitation or conservation management issues.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 0.9 - -
2022 0.7 - 961
2021 1.209 - 1158
2020 1.667 34 1089
2019 1.016 33 761
2018 0.773 33 735
2017 0.828 31 773
2016 0.800 35 716
2015 0.600 29 667
2014 0.738 36 627
2013 0.696 39 595
2012 0.744 41 535
2011 0.913 38 497
2010 0.808 40 467

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