Esaim-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Journal Abbreviation: ESAIM CONTR OPTIM CA
Journal ISSN: 1292-8119

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.3 - -
2022 1.4 - 1953
2021 1.708 - 1961
2020 1.619 115 1738
2019 1.181 72 1301
2018 1.295 78 1313
2017 1.225 71 1179
2016 1.540 61 1054
2015 1.112 50 861
2014 1.127 50 834
2013 1.105 57 719
2012 1.282 53 608
2011 0.758 52 539
2010 1.221 51 508

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