International Journal of Coal Geology

Journal Abbreviation: INT J COAL GEOL
Journal ISSN: 0166-5162

About International Journal of Coal Geology

    The International Journal of Coal Geology is committed to treating the basic and applied aspects of the geology and petrology of coal in a scholarly manner. Its scope encompasses:<br/><br/>- the genesis of coal and coal seams, including studies of modern coal-forming processes and environments<br/><br/>- the metamorphosis of coal materials in coal seams and dispersed in other rock types<br/><br/>- the geology of coal measures including stratigraphic, structural, geomorphic, paleogeographic, paleoecologic, hydrogeologic, palynologic, paleozoologic and paleobotanic facets of the subject<br/><br/>- the petrology and petrography of coal and coal seams including coal mineralogy, geochemistry and the chemical and physical constitution of coal.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 5.6 - -
2022 5.6 - 17352
2021 6.300 - 18683
2020 6.806 171 17982
2019 5.692 146 14383
2018 5.330 204 12968
2017 4.130 160 10323
2016 4.783 189 8981
2015 3.294 158 6659
2014 3.381 155 5321
2013 3.313 158 4403
2012 2.976 133 3955
2011 2.542 113 2979
2010 2.069 132 2233