International Journal of Engineering Science

Journal Abbreviation: INT J ENG SCI
Journal ISSN: 0020-7225

About International Journal of Engineering Science

    The International Journal of Engineering Science is not limited to a specific aspect of science and engineering but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the engineering sciences. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. <br/><br/>The primary goal of the new editors is to maintain high quality of publications. There will be a commitment to expediting the time taken for the publication of the papers. The articles that are sent for reviews will have names of the authors deleted with a view towards enhancing the objectivity and fairness of the review process.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 5.7 - -
2022 6.6 - 12027
2021 7.155 - 13205
2020 8.843 133 13252
2019 9.219 106 11757
2018 9.052 123 10680
2017 7.023 105 9504
2016 4.261 124 7805
2015 3.165 96 6048
2014 2.668 149 5498
2013 2.291 88 5018
2012 1.691 144 4557
2011 1.210 114 4017
2010 1.194 158 3968