Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry

Journal Abbreviation: J PHYSIOL BIOCHEM
Journal ISSN: 1138-7548

About Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry

    The Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry publishes the results of original research articles and minireviews on the different topics of human normal or pathological physiology, comparative physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and related fields.<br/><br/>All fields of the physiology are covered, from the molecular to the global organism level. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of those levels in the whole-organism, with the specific contribution of the nervous and endocrine systems.<br/><br/>The Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry also welcomes articles on nutritional studies or works related to the genomic or proteomic bases of the physiological functions.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 3.7 - -
2022 3.4 - 2601
2021 5.080 - 2605
2020 4.158 62 2365
2019 2.952 56 1854
2018 2.523 64 1679
2017 2.736 60 1558
2016 2.444 68 1347
2015 2.054 76 1117
2014 1.969 95 887
2013 2.496 90 807
2012 1.654 69 564
2011 1.711 66 481
2010 1.357 41 427