Journal of Tropical Meteorology

Journal Abbreviation: J TROP METEOROL
Journal ISSN: 1006-8775

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.5 - -
2022 1.2 - 672
2021 0.753 - 557
2020 1.000 43 606
2019 0.750 46 479
2018 0.411 44 391
2017 0.288 44 430
2016 0.600 63 469
2015 0.744 48 483
2014 0.333 42 342
2013 0.226 40 293
2012 0.255 56 255
2011 0.313 50 298
2010 0.380 52 232

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