Transport in Porous Media

Journal Abbreviation: TRANSPORT POROUS MED
Journal ISSN: 0169-3913

About Transport in Porous Media

    Transport in Porous Media publishes original research on the physical and chemical aspects of transport of extensive quantities such as mass of a fluid phase, mass of a component of a phase, momentum and energy, in single and multiphase flow in a (possibly deformable) porous medium domain. These are presented in the context of chemical, civil, agricultural, petroleum and mechanical engineering.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.7 - -
2022 2.7 - 8244
2021 3.610 - 9130
2020 3.019 177 8461
2019 2.376 194 6984
2018 1.997 176 5964
2017 2.211 170 5786
2016 2.205 182 5053
2015 1.653 188 4132
2014 1.431 144 3447
2013 - -
2012 1.551 232 2723
2011 1.811 211 2567
2010 1.168 199 1933