Analytical Cellular Pathology-Cellular Oncology

Journal Abbreviation: ANAL CELL PATHOL
Journal ISSN: 2210-7177

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 3.2 - 1127
2021 4.133 - 998
2020 2.916 41 800
2019 2.052 44 509
2018 1.788 45 408
2017 1.574 13 322
2016 1.078 20 333
2015 0.459 41 281
2014 0.846 39 274
2013 1.758 10 340
2012 1.771 38 305
2011 0.917 24 229
2010 24 197

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