
Journal Abbreviation: LANCET
Journal ISSN: 0140-6736

About Lancet

    The Lancet is the world leading independent general medical journal. The journal coverage is international in focus and extends to all aspects of human health.<br/><br/>The Lancet is published weekly from editorial offices in London and New York. It aims to publish the best original primary research papers, and review articles of the highest standard. The Lancet is stringently edited and peer-reviewed to ensure the scientific merit and clinical relevance of its diverse content. Drawing on an international network of advisers and contributors, The Lancet meets the needs of physicians by adding to their clinical knowledge and alerting them to current issues affecting the practise of medicine worldwide.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 98.4 166 336057
2022 168.9 - 365043
2021 202.731 - 403221
2020 79.321 215 369601
2019 60.392 275 256199
2018 59.102 264 247292
2017 53.254 302 233269
2016 47.831 337 214732
2015 44.002 309 195553
2014 45.217 271 185361
2013 39.207 276 176528
2012 39.060 313 166922
2011 38.278 276 158906
2010 33.633 271 155734