Chinese Chemical Letters

Journal Abbreviation: CHINESE CHEM LETT
Journal ISSN: 1001-8417

About Chinese Chemical Letters

    Chinese Chemical Letters was founded in July 1990. The journal publishes preliminary accounts in the whole field of chemistry, satisfying a real and urgent need for the dissemination of research results, especially hot topics. In a way, it has become a show window of important chemical literature of China. For this purpose, articles in the journal are only written in English. The journal does not accept articles previously published or scheduled to be published. After publication of the communication in the journal, it can be expanded to a full paper and published else-where. Authors are requested to send papers of 2-4 pages. Papers of other than 2-4 pages are not acceptable.<br/>Manuscripts should be sent directly to the Editorial Office of Chinese Chemical Letters.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 9.4 996 32052
2022 9.1 - 26104
2021 8.455 - 19050
2020 6.779 628 13587
2019 4.632 466 8725
2018 3.839 383 7055
2017 2.631 404 5445
2016 1.932 308 4457
2015 1.947 329 4119
2014 1.587 377 3843
2013 1.178 307 3171
2012 1.210 362 3175
2011 0.978 385 2566
2010 0.775 385 2063