Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society

Journal Abbreviation: J IRAN CHEM SOC
Journal ISSN: 1735-207X

About Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society

    Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (JICS) welcomes high quality original papers in English dealing with experimental, theoretical and applied research related to all branches of chemistry .These includes the fields of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry as well as the chemical biology area. Review articles discussing specific areas of chemistry of current chemical or biological importance are also published. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society ensures visibility of your research results to a worldwide audience in science. You are kindly invited to submit your manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief or your Regional Editor. All contributions in the form of original papers or short communications will be peer reviewed and published free of charge after acceptance
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.2 - -
2022 2.4 - 4846
2021 2.271 - 4395
2020 2.019 369 3847
2019 1.552 264 2717
2018 1.742 271 2452
2017 1.593 249 2197
2016 1.407 247 1882
2015 1.300 249 1477
2014 1.087 183 1225
2013 1.406 144 1220
2012 1.467 120 972
2011 1.689 133 888
2010 1.500 138 623