Food and Agricultural Immunology

Journal Abbreviation: FOOD AGR IMMUNOL
Journal ISSN: 0954-0105

About Food and Agricultural Immunology

    Food and Agricultural Immunology presents original immunological research with food, agricultural, environmental and veterinary applications. The journal has a wide remit within its chosen subject and welcomes papers directed towards an understanding of the interactions at the interface of the food and immune systems including studies on: <br/>Development of diagnostic systems - all types of ligand based assays, e.g. antibody, aptmer; <br/>Application of ligand based assays to the detection or identification of molecules of interest in Food Science, Agricultural Research, Veterinary Investigations and Clinical Systems relating to Food Allergy or Sensitivity to Agricultural Chemicals; <br/>Studies on allergy and allergic reactions.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.7 - -
2022 3.0 - 1737
2021 3.268 - 1797
2020 3.101 75 1682
2019 - -
2018 2.398 95 1053
2017 2.568 117 901
2016 1.392 69 519
2015 1.548 77 467
2014 0.986 53 360
2013 0.984 40 358
2012 0.730 29 312
2011 0.714 32 273
2010 0.633 31 272

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