Journal of Applied Ecology

Journal Abbreviation: J APPL ECOL
Journal ISSN: 0021-8901

About Journal of Applied Ecology

    Combines excellent science with relevance to environmental management.<br/><br/>Journal of Applied Ecology publishes novel papers that apply ecological concepts, theories, models and methods to the management of biological resources in their widest sense. The editors encourage contributions that use applied ecological problems to test and develop basic ecological theory, although there must be clear potential for improving management. The journal includes all major themes in applied ecology: conservation biology, global change, environmental pollution, wildlife and habitat management, land use and management, aquatic resources, restoration ecology, and the management of pests, weeds and disease.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 5.0 - -
2022 5.7 - 25995
2021 6.865 - 28723
2020 6.528 278 25439
2019 5.840 234 20491
2018 5.782 268 19342
2017 5.742 200 18142
2016 5.301 186 16046
2015 5.196 174 15208
2014 4.564 175 13831
2013 4.754 147 13115
2012 4.740 156 12105
2011 5.045 161 11471
2010 4.970 143 10315