Optics Express

Journal Abbreviation: OPT EXPRESS
Journal ISSN: 1094-4087

About Optics Express

    Optics Express publishes original, peer-reviewed articles that report new developments of interest to the optics community in all fields of optical science and technology.<br/><br/>Drawing on unique features of the electronic medium, Optics Express offers authors:<br/><br/>- rapid publication<br/>- the chance to include color images at no additional cost<br/>- the medium for presenting data and results in ways not possible in print via audio and video multimedia files
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 3.2 - -
2022 3.8 - 141373
2021 3.833 - 137355
2020 3.894 3206 129224
2019 3.669 3303 119017
2018 3.561 3063 115635
2017 3.356 3061 104686
2016 3.307 2905 97617
2015 3.148 3321 84397
2014 3.488 3306 81379
2013 3.525 3289 71343
2012 3.546 3172 62765
2011 3.587 2982 54094
2010 3.749 2943 46603