Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Journal Abbreviation: PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH
Journal ISSN: 0981-9428

About Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry embraces physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, structure and genetics at different levels, from the molecular to the whole plant and environment.<br/>The journal publishes several types of articles: papers, methods, short papers, trends, hypotheses and reviews. Articles for the series: trends, hypotheses and reviews are either invited by the Editors or proposed by authors for the editors prior agreement.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 6.1 - -
2022 6.5 - 28231
2021 5.437 - 24354
2020 4.270 541 19501
2019 3.720 441 14505
2018 3.404 419 11900
2017 2.718 343 9745
2016 2.724 369 8702
2015 2.928 240 7729
2014 2.756 289 6806
2013 2.352 322 5620
2012 2.775 243 4894
2011 2.838 186 4501
2010 2.402 129 3767