Annals of Oncology

Journal Abbreviation: ANN ONCOL
Journal ISSN: 0923-7534

About Annals of Oncology

    Annals of Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles addressing medical oncology, surgery, radiotherapy, paediatric oncology, basic research and the comprehensive management of patients with malignant diseases.<br/><br/>Original articles address the following areas: <br/>Breast cancer <br/>Gastrointestinal tumours <br/>Lung cancer <br/>Urogenital tumours <br/>Hematologic malignancies <br/>Head and neck cancer <br/>Sarcomas <br/>Gynecologic cancer <br/>Quality of life and supportive care <br/>Phase I studies <br/>Phase II studies <br/>Phase III studies <br/>Translational science
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 56.7 68 64002
2022 50.5 - 67195
2021 51.769 - 68844
2020 32.976 147 61542
2019 18.274 187 45813
2018 14.196 273 40751
2017 13.926 377 38738
2016 11.855 311 34424
2015 9.269 328 30516
2014 7.040 345 26807
2013 6.578 507 24363
2012 7.384 541 22805
2011 6.425 372 19905
2010 6.452 445 18391