Cancer Cell

Journal Abbreviation: CANCER CELL
Journal ISSN: 1535-6108

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 48.8 108 52068
2022 50.3 - 55579
2021 38.585 - 57294
2020 31.743 96 50839
2019 26.602 99 41064
2018 23.916 138 36056
2017 22.844 106 35217
2016 27.407 121 32653
2015 23.214 110 29149
2014 23.523 116 27283
2013 23.893 108 24929
2012 24.755 114 22200
2011 26.566 111 19726
2010 26.925 93 17941

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