Embo Journal

Journal Abbreviation: EMBO J
Journal ISSN: 0261-4189

About Embo Journal

    The EMBO Journal provides for rapid publication of full-length papers describing original research of general rather than specialist interest in molecular biology and related areas. The journal encourages and publishes articles that report novel findings of wide biological significance in the areas of development, immunology, neuroscience, plant biology, structural biology, genomic & computational biology, genome stability & dynamics, chromatin & transcription, RNA, proteins, cellular metabolism, signal transduction, cell cycle, differentiation & death, membranes & transport, cell & tissue architecture, microbiology & pathogens and molecular biology of disease.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 9.4 241 63359
2022 11.4 - 70290
2021 14.012 - 80536
2020 11.598 368 76189
2019 9.889 223 64724
2018 11.227 212 65212
2017 10.557 222 67036
2016 9.792 157 66603
2015 9.643 179 68016
2014 10.434 181 72583
2013 10.748 225 76176
2012 9.822 333 75950
2011 9.205 379 73390
2010 10.124 329 76014