Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences

Journal Abbreviation: HIST STUD NAT SCI
Journal ISSN: 1939-1811

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 0.7 - -
2022 0.5 - 154
2021 0.548 - 156
2020 1.162 28 208
2019 0.463 9 113
2018 0.417 23 123
2017 0.700 18 122
2016 0.606 18 83
2015 0.500 22 96
2014 - -
2013 0.171 11 59
2012 1.087 32 49
2011 0.440 9 28
2010 0.643 14 23

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