International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Journal Abbreviation: INT J PHARMACEUT
Journal ISSN: 0378-5173

About International Journal of Pharmaceutics

    The International Journal of Pharmaceutics publishes innovative papers, reviews, mini-reviews, rapid communications and notes dealing with physical, chemical, biological, microbiological and engineering studies related to the conception, design, production, characterisation and evaluation of drug delivery systems in vitro and in vivo. &quot;Drug&quot; is defined as any therapeutic or diagnostic entity, including oligonucleotides, gene constructs and radiopharmaceuticals. <br/>Areas of particular interest include: physical pharmacy; polymer chemistry and physical chemistry as applied to pharmaceutics; excipient function and characterisation; biopharmaceutics; absorption mechanisms; membrane function and transport; novel routes and modes of delivery.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 5.3 - -
2022 5.8 - 64101
2021 6.510 - 67742
2020 5.875 1032 61118
2019 4.845 879 48995
2018 4.213 784 47453
2017 3.862 865 45367
2016 3.649 827 42237
2015 3.994 900 38726
2014 3.650 742 34485
2013 3.785 826 32584
2012 3.458 698 29228
2011 3.350 644 26564
2010 3.607 637 24665