Minnesota Law Review

Journal Abbreviation: MINN LAW REV
Journal ISSN: 0026-5535

About Minnesota Law Review

    In January 1917, Professor Henry J. Fletcher launched the Minnesota Law Review with lofty aspirations: “A well-conducted law review . . . ought to do something to develop the spirit of statesmanship as distinguished from a dry professionalism. It ought at the same time contribute a little something to the systematic growth of the whole law.” For the next forty years, in conjunction with the Minnesota State Bar Association, the faculty of the University of Minnesota Law School directed the work of student editors of the Law Review. Despite their initial oversight and vision, however, the faculty gradually handed the editorial mantle over to law students.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 3.0 - -
2022 1.3 - 1151
2021 1.734 - 1242
2020 2.068 55 1274
2019 1.570 39 1087
2018 1.611 65 1163
2017 1.645 44 1015
2016 2.207 46 1288
2015 1.592 30 1078
2014 1.483 52 1091
2013 1.264 - 806
2012 - -
2011 - -
2010 - -

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