Molecular Plant

Journal Abbreviation: MOL PLANT
Journal ISSN: 1674-2052

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 17.1 81 23905
2022 27.5 - 24114
2021 21.949 - 20242
2020 13.164 111 15778
2019 12.084 103 11432
2018 10.812 100 9274
2017 9.326 92 7010
2016 8.827 105 6040
2015 7.142 116 5016
2014 6.337 104 4214
2013 6.605 143 3444
2012 6.126 118 2346
2011 5.546 92 1632
2010 4.296 83 944

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