Organisms Diversity & Evolution

Journal Abbreviation: ORG DIVERS EVOL
Journal ISSN: 1439-6092

About Organisms Diversity & Evolution

    Organisms, Diversity &amp; Evolution Organisms Diversity &amp; Evolution is published by the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS) and the Elsevier GmbH. The journal comprises a printed periodical and an Electronic Supplement on the world wide web. It is devoted to the understanding of organismal diversity and addresses an international audience. Manuscripts must be written in English. <br/>All manuscripts submitted for the printed journal or Electronic Supplement will be subjected to critical peer review.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.9 - -
2022 1.6 - 1468
2021 2.663 - 1857
2020 2.940 50 1727
2019 2.153 32 1512
2018 2.143 35 1454
2017 2.369 50 1336
2016 2.313 55 1195
2015 1.734 48 1057
2014 2.888 35 849
2013 3.365 44 699
2012 2.259 36 517
2011 1.648 27 548
2010 1.581 31 493