Plant Soil and Environment

Journal Abbreviation: PLANT SOIL ENVIRON
Journal ISSN: 1214-1178

About Plant Soil and Environment

    Experimental biology, agronomy, natural resources, and the environment; plant development, growth and productivity, breeding and seed production, growing of crops and their quality, soil care, conservation and productivity; agriculture and environment interactions from the perspective of sustainable development. Articles are published in English.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.3 - -
2022 2.4 - 3231
2021 2.328 - 3262
2020 1.799 87 3099
2019 1.324 87 2337
2018 1.337 92 2001
2017 1.421 87 1746
2016 1.225 88 1468
2015 1.039 90 1254
2014 1.226 92 1166
2013 1.113 88 977
2012 1.113 89 789
2011 1.078 88 618
2010 1.076 80 429