Water Science and Technology

Journal Abbreviation: WATER SCI TECHNOL
Journal ISSN: 0273-1223

About Water Science and Technology

    Water Science and Technology publishes peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of the science and technology of water pollution control and water quality management worldwide. This encompasses five broad areas: <br/><br/>- Wastewater treatment and transportation processes for stormwater and domestic, industrial and municipal effluents. <br/>- Sources of pollution including hazardous wastes and source control. <br/>- Effects and impacts of pollution on rivers, lakes, groundwater and marine waters. <br/>- Water reuse and aquatic environmental restoration. <br/>- Policy, strategy, control and management aspects of water quality.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.5 - -
2022 2.7 - 25561
2021 2.430 - 28014
2020 1.915 488 24807
2019 1.638 422 20937
2018 1.624 653 20504
2017 1.247 630 19181
2016 1.197 650 18652
2015 1.064 395 16933
2014 1.106 603 16194
2013 1.212 720 16261
2012 1.102 670 15073
2011 1.122 739 15037
2010 1.056 717 15184