Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service

Journal Abbreviation: HUM FACTOR ERGON MAN
Journal ISSN: 1090-8471

About Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service

    The purpose of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries is to facilitate discovery, integration, and application of scientific knowledge about human aspects of manufacturing, and to provide a forum for worldwide dissemination of such knowledge for its application and benefit to manufacturing industries. The journal covers a broad spectrum of ergonomics and human factors issues with a focus on the design, operation and management of contemporary manufacturing systems, both in the shop floor and office environments, in the quest for manufacturing agility, i.e. enhancement and integration of human skills with hardware performance for improved market competitiveness, management of change, product and process quality, and human-system reliability.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 2.4 - 917
2021 1.699 - 804
2020 1.722 51 679
2019 1.271 47 519
2018 1.000 32 415
2017 0.917 27 334
2016 0.761 54 507
2015 0.462 55 359
2014 - -
2013 0.862 50 273
2012 0.624 46 256
2011 0.612 41 222
2010 0.417 44 212