Industrial Lubrication and Tribology

Journal Abbreviation: IND LUBR TRIBOL
Journal ISSN: 0036-8792

About Industrial Lubrication and Tribology

    The science of industrial machinery lubrication, friction and wear and tear has only recently begun to acquire the status it deserves - yet a grasp of tribology-that is, understanding which lubricants work best in which types of machinery-can have far-reaching effects in areas such as costs, productivity and quality. At anyone time, up to 50% of machinery is at a stand still due to problems related to friction - and when it&quot;s your organization bearing the costs of that downtime, you need to know what you can do to reduce such huge potential losses. <br/><br/>Abrasion resistant materials<br/>Condition monitoring<br/>Dynamic seals<br/>Lubricant additives<br/>Oil refining<br/>Subsequent lubricants
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.5 - -
2022 1.6 - 2131
2021 1.442 - 1851
2020 1.297 208 1495
2019 0.798 150 1033
2018 1.037 204 839
2017 0.763 128 610
2016 0.605 91 508
2015 0.406 78 322
2014 0.444 84 354
2013 0.316 54 213
2012 0.402 45 219
2011 0.350 50 170
2010 0.397 42 153