Reviews of Modern Physics

Journal Abbreviation: REV MOD PHYS
Journal ISSN: 0034-6861

About Reviews of Modern Physics

    Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP) serves both students and senior researchers in a broad range of fields. Its review articles offer in-depth treatment of a research area, surveying recent work and providing an introduction that is aimed at physics graduate students and nonspecialists. These reviews also feature bibliographies that are of great value to the specialist. The journals" shorter Colloquia describe recent work of interest to all physicists, especially work at the frontiers of physics, which may have an impact on several different subfields.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 45.9 0 57818
2022 44.1 - 59731
2021 50.485 - 60783
2020 54.494 32 58097
2019 45.037 38 51122
2018 38.296 41 50151
2017 36.367 40 47289
2016 36.917 41 45510
2015 33.177 38 41133
2014 29.604 35 39402
2013 42.860 45 37647
2012 44.982 46 35720
2011 43.933 38 31368
2010 51.695 73 29868