Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

Journal Abbreviation: J IND MANAG OPTIM
Journal ISSN: 1547-5816

About Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization

    JIMO, with impact factor of 1.18, ranks the top 20th in the category of Management Science & Operations Research, and the top 29th in the category of Math, Interdisciplinary Applications. The journal is covered in Science Citation Index Expanded, CompuMath Citation Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing, and Technology ISI Alerting Services
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.2 - -
2022 1.3 - 1776
2021 1.411 - 1576
2020 1.801 160 1430
2019 1.366 103 893
2018 1.025 88 735
2017 0.994 114 613
2016 0.994 89 568
2015 0.776 81 409
2014 0.843 90 468
2013 0.536 57 329
2012 0.598 64 270
2011 0.661 61 232
2010 0.638 56 203