Journal of Terramechanics

Journal Abbreviation: J TERRAMECHANICS
Journal ISSN: 0022-4898

About Journal of Terramechanics

    The Journal of Terramechanics is primarily devoted to scientific articles concerned with research, design, and equipment utilization in the field of terramechanics.<br/><br/>The Journal of Terramechanics is the leading international journal serving the multidisciplinary global off-road vehicle and soil working machinery industries, and related user community, governmental agencies and universities. <br/><br/>The Journal of Terramechanics provides a forum for those involved in research, development, design, innovation, testing, application and utilization of off-road vehicles and soil working machinery, and their sub-systems and components. The Journal presents a cross-section of technical papers, reviews, comments and discussions, and serves as a medium for recording recent progress in the field.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.4 - -
2022 2.4 - 1787
2021 2.284 - 1734
2020 2.446 46 1830
2019 2.043 28 1457
2018 1.477 37 1187
2017 1.311 32 1040
2016 1.198 26 861
2015 1.306 41 713
2014 1.417 45 716
2013 1.236 27 530
2012 0.803 27 365
2011 1.000 39 383
2010 0.565 37 417

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