Large Animal Review

Journal Abbreviation: LARGE ANIM REV
Journal ISSN: 1124-4593

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 0.5 - -
2022 0.6 - 201
2021 0.557 - 202
2020 0.417 50 129
2019 0.299 38 94
2018 0.261 28 94
2017 0.260 33 79
2016 0.315 36 69
2015 0.143 29 45
2014 0.168 36 57
2013 0.177 48 42
2012 0.123 47 31
2011 0.072 32 33
2010 0.154 33 27

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