Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing

Journal Abbreviation: PHYSICOCHEM PROBL MI
Journal ISSN: 1643-1049

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.3 - -
2022 1.5 - 1426
2021 1.047 - 1309
2020 1.213 103 1183
2019 1.256 144 889
2018 1.062 119 776
2017 1.200 96 590
2016 0.901 81 539
2015 0.977 64 396
2014 0.926 67 296
2013 0.862 65 256
2012 0.580 57 178
2011 0.500 52 135
2010 - -

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