
Journal Abbreviation: SCIENCEASIA
Journal ISSN: 1513-1874

About Scienceasia

    ScienceAsia is a journal published quarterly in printed and electronic versions by the Science Society of Thailand under Royal Patronage. The journal publishes original research papers that provide novel findings and important contribution to understanding of broad area in science and mathematics. Manuscripts may include scientifically useful data, observations or model predictions, and/or provide a new scientific concept or a new explanation of published results. Other material of scientific interest including review of topics that are hot issues for the Asian region are also welcome, provided that there is sufficient scientific merit.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.0 - -
2022 1.2 - 1062
2021 0.995 - 1020
2020 0.615 111 923
2019 0.425 74 696
2018 0.452 60 618
2017 0.447 38 536
2016 0.343 39 385
2015 0.197 59 352
2014 0.347 57 313
2013 0.347 107 278
2012 0.398 60 208
2011 0.344 58 184
2010 0.176 60 101