Topics in Organometallic Chemistry

Journal Abbreviation: TOP ORGANOMETAL CHEM
Journal ISSN: 1436-6002

About Topics in Organometallic Chemistry

    The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. The understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanism has rapidly increased in recent years, opening the way for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as medicine, biology, materials and organic synthesis. Thus the scope of coverage includes a broad range of topics of pure and applied organometallic chemistry, where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance to a larger scientific audience.<br/>Where appropriate, theoretical and mechanistic aspects are included in order to help the reader understand the underlying principles involved.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 - -
2021 1.638 - 1321
2020 1.311 17 1381
2019 2.917 10 1426
2018 3.000 15 1619
2017 3.833 0 1642
2016 3.654 59 1469
2015 4.543 37 1435
2014 - -
2013 5.293 50 1236
2012 6.384 21 1152
2011 - -
2010 - -