Trends in Neurosciences

Journal Abbreviation: TRENDS NEUROSCI
Journal ISSN: 0166-2236

About Trends in Neurosciences

    For over twenty five years, TINS has been among the leading current awareness journals in basic neurosciences (Impact Factor, 14.475), publishing succinct and readable articles in a monthly magazine format. The field of neuroscience has a relentless stream of exciting new developments, but with our short Reviews, Opinions (review-length articles, but more progressive and forward-looking) and our shorter Research Focus articles, keeping abreast of the latest ideas is easy. Aimed at researchers, students and teachers, our articles are always authoritative, written by both leaders in the field and rising stars.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 14.6 3 21059
2022 15.9 - 22491
2021 16.978 - 24595
2020 13.837 74 22858
2019 12.891 64 20011
2018 12.314 59 20163
2017 11.439 51 20061
2016 11.124 70 19178
2015 12.504 69 18656
2014 13.555 68 19082
2013 12.902 73 18523
2012 13.582 73 17889
2011 14.235 60 17821
2010 13.320 62 17347