Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Journal Abbreviation: BRAZ J CHEM ENG
Journal ISSN: 0104-6632

About Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

    The Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering is a quarterly publication of the Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Química (Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering - ABEQ) aiming at publishing papers reporting on basic and applied research and innovation in the field of chemical engineering and related areas.<br/><br/>Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (ISSN 01046632) is a quarterly publication of the Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering: January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December. BJChE publishes 800 copies per publication.<br/><br/>The short title Braz. J. Chem. Eng. is strongly recommended to briefly refer to the journal in footnotes, bibliographies and bibliographical references and strips.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.5 - -
2022 1.2 - 2847
2021 1.772 - 3279
2020 1.232 76 2852
2019 1.027 143 2411
2018 0.790 123 2039
2017 0.925 100 1877
2016 1.104 63 1480
2015 1.061 87 1181
2014 1.043 96 1041
2013 0.912 84 891
2012 0.894 78 832
2011 0.637 70 705
2010 0.811 62 560