Drug Metabolism and Disposition

Journal Abbreviation: DRUG METAB DISPOS
Journal ISSN: 0090-9556

About Drug Metabolism and Disposition

    Drug Metabolism and Disposition will consider for publication manuscripts describing the results of original research that contribute significant and novel information on xenobiotic metabolism, transport, and disposition. The term xenobiotic includes therapeutic agents as well as environmental chemicals. Research may involve the use of in vivo or in vitro approaches, including cultured cells and heterologous expression systems. Manuscripts that describe mechanistic aspects of xenobiotic metabolism and transport as well as those examining mechanisms that affect expression and regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, including genetic variability, are encouraged.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 4.4 - -
2022 3.9 - 13849
2021 3.579 - 15969
2020 3.922 141 16269
2019 3.231 154 14655
2018 3.354 191 14547
2017 3.640 151 14898
2016 4.242 201 14909
2015 3.210 178 13954
2014 3.252 228 14323
2013 3.334 249 14642
2012 3.361 271 13822
2011 3.733 295 13122
2010 3.716 287 13148