Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms

Journal Abbreviation: INORG REACT MECH
Journal ISSN: 1028-6624

About Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms

    Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms serves the important field of reactions and mechanisms of inorganic systems in solution as the primary specialist international journal in this field. In dealing widely with inorganic reactions in solution, the journal will accept papers pertaining to the areas of coordination chemistry, organometallitic chemistry, main group chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry. It will publish original papers reporting the results of original significant studies in the general area of kinetics and mechanisms of inorganic reactions in solution, and also of studies designed to define reaction pathways or mechanisms via detection and characterization of intermediates by spectroscopic or structural means.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 - -
2021 - -
2020 - -
2019 - -
2018 - -
2017 - -
2016 - -
2015 - -
2014 - -
2013 - -
2012 - -
2011 - -
2010 - -

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