Int Med J

Journal Abbreviation: INT MED J
Journal ISSN: 1341-2051

About Int Med J

    All material submitted for publication is assumed to be submitted exclusively to the International Medical Journal (IMJ) unless the contrary is stated. Manuscript decisions are based on a double-blinded peer review process. Please note that the following instructions are in accord with the ‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals’
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 - -
2021 - -
2020 - -
2019 - -
2018 - -
2017 - -
2016 - -
2015 - -
2014 - -
2013 - -
2012 0.087 103 86
2011 0.200 69 90
2010 0.163 46 65