Optimal Control Applications & Methods

Journal Abbreviation: OPTIM CONTR APPL MET
Journal ISSN: 0143-2087

About Optimal Control Applications & Methods

    Optimal Control Applications & Methods provides a forum for papers on the full range of optimal and optimization based control theory and related control design methods. The aim is to encourage new developments in control theory and design methodologies that will lead to real advances in control applications. Papers are also encouraged on the development, comparison and testing of computational algorithms for solving optimal control and optimization problems. The scope also includes papers on optimal estimation and filtering methods which have control related applications. Finally, it will provide a focus for interesting optimal control design studies and report real applications experience covering problems in implementation and robustness.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.0 - -
2022 1.8 - 1952
2021 1.955 - 1978
2020 2.530 162 1696
2019 1.252 61 1180
2018 1.452 122 1232
2017 1.614 80 998
2016 1.558 75 846
2015 1.097 52 662
2014 0.903 43 566
2013 1.535 50 514
2012 1.062 43 411
2011 0.648 43 340
2010 0.569 37 265