
Journal Abbreviation: CHIRURGIA-BUCHAREST
Journal ISSN: 1221-9118

About Chirurgia-Bucharest

    In “Chirurgia” can be published original papers in the area of general surgery, which neither were published, nor sent for publication in other periodicals. You can send original articles, clinical cases presentations and depending on publication space - reviews of some articles of surgeons’ interest from other publications.<br/>“Chirurgia” is also a place for information about the branches activity of Romanian Society of Surgery, information on Congresses and Symposiums organized by the Romanian Society of Surgery and participation notes at other scientific meetings.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 0.6 - 875
2021 - 855
2020 - -
2019 - -
2018 - -
2017 - -
2016 - -
2015 - -
2014 - -
2013 - -
2012 0.777 119 391
2011 0.375 111 307
2010 0.560 113 429