Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society of London Series A-Mathemat

Journal Abbreviation: PHILOS T R SOC A
Journal ISSN: 1364-503X

Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) - -
2022 5.0 - 26785
2021 4.019 - 26998
2020 4.226 322 24950
2019 3.275 330 20609
2018 3.093 321 19227
2017 2.746 297 17807
2016 2.970 345 16362
2015 2.441 313 14562
2014 2.147 293 13391
2013 2.864 312 12980
2012 2.891 295 11509
2011 2.773 322 10139
2010 2.457 301 9623