Reviews in Chemical Engineering

Journal Abbreviation: REV CHEM ENG
Journal ISSN: 0167-8299

About Reviews in Chemical Engineering

    The main aim of Reviews in Chemical Engineering is to develop new insights and to promote interest and research activity in chemical engineering and applied chemistry, as well as the application of new developments in these areas. The journal publishes authoritative articles of limited scope by leading chemical engineers, applied scientists and mathematicians. Long articles which review an entire field are also occasionally solicited. Because of the broad interest now shown in chemical problems which previously had a more limited appeal, Reviews in Chemical Engineering is sure to play a significant role in the growth of the field as a whole.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 4.9 - -
2022 - -
2021 8.742 - 2179
2020 6.299 32 1571
2019 5.315 34 1127
2018 4.200 33 834
2017 4.490 21 731
2016 3.173 24 542
2015 2.163 25 374
2014 2.414 27 337
2013 2.833 16 328
2012 1.263 13 219
2011 1.083 11 203
2010 1.125 - 189