Journal of Aoac International

Journal Abbreviation: J AOAC INT
Journal ISSN: 1060-3271

About Journal of Aoac International

    The Journal of AOAC INTERNA TIONAL pub -<br/>lishes ar ti cles that pres ent, within the fields of in -<br/>ter est of the Associ ation: unpublished origi nal re -<br/>search; new meth ods; fur ther stud ies of pre vi ously<br/>pub lished meth ods; back ground work lead ing to<br/>development of methods; com pilations of authen -<br/>tic data of com position; techni cal com munications;<br/>cautionary notes; com ments on techniques, appara -<br/>tus, and re agents; and in vited re views and fea tures.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 1.7 - -
2022 1.6 - 6919
2021 2.028 - 7051
2020 1.913 186 6456
2019 1.510 213 5401
2018 1.201 212 5167
2017 1.087 223 4693
2016 0.962 175 4636
2015 0.918 194 4627
2014 1.120 223 4399
2013 1.385 203 4727
2012 1.233 215 4395
2011 1.199 198 4206
2010 1.229 222 4036