Future Virology

Journal Abbreviation: FUTURE VIROL
Journal ISSN: 1746-0794

About Future Virology

    Mankind has been at the mercy of viral diseases for millennia. However, advances in virologic research are occuring at an unprecedented rate.<br/><br/>In particular, the fields of virology and genomic research have been closely linked for many years; the first whole genome to be sequenced was viral in origin - bacteriophage phi X174, in 1977. Since then, many more viral genomes have been mapped, and with the human genome also available, it is now possible to determine viral-host interactions during infection in a unprecedented level of detail.
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites
2023 (2024 update) 2.1 - -
2022 3.1 - 1427
2021 3.015 - 1454
2020 1.831 67 1167
2019 0.952 62 748
2018 0.730 69 687
2017 1.121 57 703
2016 0.958 58 596
2015 0.886 91 533
2014 1.011 77 461
2013 1.000 90 400
2012 0.962 94 337
2011 1.210 103 263
2010 1.200 55 189